The Fund for Freeman Awards Scholarships to First-Generation College Students 

Last month, the Endowment Project Foundation's Fund for Freeman awarded two scholarships to first-generation college students. These awards celebrate the achievements of these deserving students and underscore the importance of supporting first-generation scholars. 

The principal shared:  

We were blown away by the thoughtful applications we received from students, and the scholarships are going to very deserving young people who are stepping into college as the first members of their family to do so we feel very fortunate to be giving these very deserving scholarships. Thank you for making this possible; we really did a good thing with this.” 

Supporting first-generation students involves more than just financial aid; it’s about breaking down barriers and building bridges to opportunities. Scholarships like those from the Fund for Freeman alleviate financial burdens and signal to these students that their hard work and determination are recognized and valued. 

One of the recipients expressed that broader significance in her application, stating: 

"As the first person in my family to pursue higher education at a four-year college, my ambitions extend far beyond personal success. They include breaking through barriers and establishing a precedent for future generations to come.

When first-generation students succeed, the positive effects extend beyond the individual. These students often become role models in their communities, inspiring younger generations to pursue higher education. They bring diverse perspectives and experiences to their campuses, enriching the academic and social environments for all students. By investing in first-generation scholars, we foster a more inclusive and vibrant educational landscape. 

The second recipient, an aspiring filmmaker, shared her vision for the future, sharing:  

"After college I want to develop a film that brings awareness to the intergenerational persistence that characterizes families like mine. Everywhere, women like my mother take drastic measures to pursue education, like moving nations... These women courageously follow their dreams, but sometimes their dreams do not come to fruition, so they instill their hopeful visions into their daughters." 

The Endowment Project Foundation’s Fund for Freeman is proud to support these remarkable young people as they become the first in their families to attend and graduate college. We hope to give out many more awards like this in the years to come as we continue to break down barriers and foster opportunity. Here’s to a future where every student has the chance to succeed. We encourage you to join us in supporting first-generation college students. Together, we can help these students reach their full potential and contribute to a brighter future for all. 


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