EHS Enters Into Partnership To Assist Alumni Fundraising

October 16, 2024


Essex High School has partnered with the Richmond based The Endowment Project Foundation to involve school alumni in critical fundraising needs.

The Endowment Project Foundation’s mission is to build a culture of direct, focused, and impactful philanthropy to support individual public high school needs, benefiting both students and educators. The Endowment Project Foundation partners with schools to identify their specific needs and then cultivates alumni engagement.

“Many in our community do not understand that tax dollars are not enough for us to accomplish our educational goals,” Essex High School Principal Roger “Butch” Gross said. “Unlike colleges and private schools, we do not have a dedicated fundraising person to raise much needed dollars. EHS and the Endowment Project Fund are partnering to fill this funding gap.”

According to Gross, the collaboration will provide a quick and easy platform for donors to learn more about the schools unique needs and to donate to a tax-exempt entity.

“Best of all, the school is not required to sign a contract and is not invoiced for the services of the endowment project,” said Gross, who noted that he endorses the partnership. “That helps us save budgeted funds for other needs.”

“We’re excited to partner with Principal Gross and Essex High School to support the funding of several new initiatives to elevate student success,” says Drew Mullen, the Assistant Director of Development for The Endowment Project Foundation. “These include positive behavior incentives to boost student performance, a new program to strengthen community engagement, a school rebranding with fresh graphic designs, and capital improvements like new lights for the football field and improvements to the baseball field.”

According to the Foundation’s website:

• The Foundation’s fundraising and grant-making is driven by the priorities of individual school communities and supported by rigorous governance:

• Each school fund is launched with a dedicated fundraising web portal supported by a best-in-class fundraising team and an alumni database.

• TEPF collaborates with school and alumni groups to engage the community in fundraising participation.

• As funds for schools are raised, Principals and the Alumni Advisory Boards request grant funding for school projects.

• The TEPF Board of Directors provides fiscal oversight to ensure funds are deployed according to donor guidelines.

• Regular reviews by outside accountants ensure transparency and accountability for donors and school communities.

To learn more about how to donate to the project visit and search for Essex High School.

Source: This article was originally published online in The Rappahannock Times on October 16, 2024.


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